Why should one attend OA High Adventure(OAHA)? Read these articles from the two 2015 OAHA Section Scholarship recipients and check out http://adventure.oa-bsa.org/ for more information on Northern Tiers Wilderness Voyage and all of the other great programs one can attend threw the Order of the Arrow!
“I had such a wonderful time at my OA Wilderness Voyage trip. I really enjoyed all of the time spent away from modern living and technology, cooking on an open fire every evening, drinking lake water which is so much better than regular water, and meeting some of the best guys ever who I have no doubt will be some of my lifelong friends. Nothing I have done in my scouting career has been as great of an experience as the time I got to spend up there in the Boundary Waters.”
— Aaron Coffman, NE-4B Secretary (2015 Scholarship recipient)
“OA Wilderness Voyage is by far my favorite scouting memory. Throughout the course of a two week journey, I was able to see over 150 miles of some of the most breath taking scenery in the nation. It was a great feeling to be able to give back to the Boundary Waters through our work on the portage trails. I also had a chance to meet Arrowmen from every corner of America and build life-long friendships. OA Wilderness Voyage for me has truly been a life changing experience.”
— William Moats, Wagion Lodge 6 Communications Chairman (2015 Scholarship recipient)